HOW TO ANALYZE A POEM 1. TO BEGIN Read the poem all the way through at least twice. Read it aloud. Listen to it. Poetry is related to music, so the sound is important. You listen to your favourite CDs many times; the principle is the same. It takes time to fully appreciate and understand a work of art. Make a note of your first impressions or immediate responses, both positive and negative. You may change your mind about the poem later, but these first ideas are worth recording. 2. LITERAL MEANING AND THEME Before you can understand the poem as a whole, you have to start with an understanding of the individual words. Get a good dictionary. Look up, and write down, the meanings of: • words you don't know • words you "sort of know" • any important words, even if you do know them. Maybe they have more than one meaning (ex. "bar"), or maybe they can function as different parts of speech (ex. "bar" can be a noun or a verb). If the po...