
Showing posts from November, 2012


WILLIAM BLAKE  (1757-1827) GO TO THIS LINK TO READ ABOUT W.BLAKE'S LIFE     BIOGRAPHY W.Blake was the first of the great English Romantic poets, as well as a painter and printer and one of the greatest engravers in English history. Largely self-taught, he began writing poetry when he was twelve and was apprenticed to a London engraver at the age of fourteen. His poetry and visual art are inextricably linked. To fully appreciate one you must see it in context with the other. A rebel all of his life, Blake was once arrested on a trumped up charge of sedition. Of course, he was a complete sympathizer with the forces of revolution, both in America and France. He was a personal friend of Thomas Paine and made the American War of Independence and French Revolution parts of his grand mythology in his  America: A Prophecy  and  Europe: A Prophecy. Blake is frequently referred to as a mystic, but this is not really accurate. He deliberately wr...

How to Write a Poetry Analysis

How to Write a Poetry Analysis Rating:  5.0           Poetry analysis , also sometimes referred to as a poem review, is a reflection of a poem that involves analyzing the poetic instruments, discussing the language and the figures used by the author, as well as sharing ones personal position on the poem. When it comes to poetry analysis, one has to go beyond just reviewing the words and phrases used, but instead see the bigger picture, try to read between the lines and understand what has driven the poet to use a particular word combination. Thus, poetry analysis requires some primary research on the author of the poem, as well as some background and history behind the poem’s creation. Poetry analysis assignments are in fact, normally a lot more challenging than one would expect. One would think that analyzing a poem of a few stanzas, should not require more than any simple two-page essay on a common topic. However, poem reviews require deeper an...

Other Links Sonnet 27 and Sonnet 66

This link may be very helpful   A Complete Guide to Shakespeare's Sonnets Listen to Sonnet 27 Analysis Sonnet 27 Interpretation Sonnet 27 Listen to Sonnet 66 Analysis of Sonnet 66 and B.Pasternak's Translation