
Showing posts from January, 2013

Edgar Allan Poe

HERE'S SOME USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT READING POETRY. DON'T SKIP IT!  TAKE THE TROUBLE TO STUDY IT BEFORE YOU READ "THE RAVEN" How to Read a Poem There’s really only one reason that poetry has gotten a reputation for being so darned “difficult”: it demands your full attention and won’t settle for less. Unlike a novel, where you can drift in and out and still follow the plot, poems are generally shorter and more intense, with less of a conventional story to follow. If you don’t make room for the   experience , you probably won’t have one.   But the rewards can be high. To make an analogy with rock and roll, it’s the difference between a two and a half minute pop song with a hook that you get sick of after the third listen, and a slow-building tour de force that sounds fresh and different every time you hear it. Once you’ve gotten a taste of the really rich stuff, you just want to listen to it over and over again and figure out: how’d they do that?   As...